This is not the first Shmup/bullet hell i've played. But one of the less enjoyable ones.
Playing the game on Normal is already a pain in the arse. Easy difficulty should be targeted at people that haven't played this kind of game before, not the average player.
My progress is like 0. I played for an hour and didn't make it past Sector 1.
If the games Earlygame is intended to be wasting hours farming XP in Target Practice, only to become somewhat viable for the first stages, your game design fails hard. There is little to no progress this way nor incentive to continue with the game.
Upgrades are so small that they are essentially ineffective and not worth their price, such are the benefits of drones. They are only good for a meager XP bonus, should you be so lucky to find some...
Same goes for shields. It provides no protection whatsoever in the beginning of the game and once you receive your first hit the level is already lost. You get constantly shat on with enemies so once you stop firing your are effectively dead while waiting for the (worthless) shield to recharge. Such a feature would do good for Game+ but right from the start it only feels discouraging.